I know it can get frustrating to wait for something you really want and are given a so so date and it doesn't happen in that time frame. I would prefer that Axiom gets this sub right before shipping it out. I would be pissed if I got the EP800 and there was a flaw of some sort and I'd have to wait some more to get the problem fixed. I don't think they're doing this on purpose, things happen. It would drive me crazy if Axiom notified me every week with an update that the following week had to be changed. So after all this babbling I would say relax, forget and when you get that e-mail saying your order has been shipped it can be a happy day instead of, it should have been here on a certain date.
It could always be worse, you can have your broken TV sitting there waiting for some clown to come and repair it (sorry wid)

Mel N