If you need any information on Alaska, just shoot me a note. Unless a person has actually lived here, don’t believe what they say about the state. I find a lot of amusement in the stories I hear about this state.

A couple things to consider when looking for a place to live…

1) money / employment
2) climate
3) population
4) hobbies
5) scenery / landscape

Alaska has taken the economic hit fairly well, but it’s rolling up here now too. The climate here is harsh, to varying degrees. It all just depends where you end up. It’s a big state. The most densely populated area is the city of Anchorage. It’s nothing compared to Denver or the other insane cities throughout the US. Get outside of Anchorage and you can literally drive for a hundred miles without seeing another human being. If you like to hunt / fish, this is where you need to be. No other state can offer what this one can. You are severely limited to many other main stream activities though. Golfing comes to mind. The scenery is my favorite part of the state. There’s no other place like it in the world. No sense even trying to describe it, as you just have to live it.

I’ve been hear for 25 years and I do love the state, but I’m looking for property elsewhere. I want four seasons. I want a swimming pool in the back yard, but have snow on the ground Christmas morning. I want to see mountains, and not many street lights. I’m going to upper state Idaho this spring looking for a chunk of land on a mountain side over looking a lake. I’ll let ya know what I find.