First off I want to say that you all have a very warm, inviting and ingratiating forum here. I post on about a half dozen other forums for various interests but this one ranks highest in comradery (sp?), support and information that I have ever seen. After reading many threads, I felt very comfortable posting my first post in a thread I created.

I will take your collective advice and for go M2's and go for the SQ...8's. Why the 8's instead of the 4's- it's $100 difference from the FO and the cost of upgrading (i.e. what I would loose in trade) plus return shipping would be about $50 (or more), so for about $50 net they seem worth it. You all speak VERY highly of them. Also, I will go for FO's so I can get all that I want without my wallet climbing out of my pocket and smacking me upside the head with itself.

So I'll be ordering:
M22 pair- $424
SQ8 pair- $484
VP100- $230
Total- $1083 after 5% rebate. I was going to buy M22's, M2's and VP100 new for $970 (after 5%rebate) so i will get a lot more out of the surrounds for $110. Budgets are guideline anyways and thus made to be broken. I'm only breaking mine by about 7.5%, so that's not bad.

I will see/hear what the sound is like but I may upgrade the fronts and center to M80's/VP150 in the next year depending on cash flow. I guess if the M22's are really good (but somehow still leaving me wanting for more) I won't trade them up but will just kick them upstairs.

Thanks again for the advice! I like it here and will be sure to stick around and post pics when I get all my stuff installed in April after my move.