I agree. Canada is much like the States. We have hot, we have cold, we have mountains, we have oceans, we have farming, we have high tech, we are rich in resources, we are poor in managing them, we have great wealth compared to the third world but we also have poverty, we have freedom, we have diversity in culture. Most importantly, we are generously giving away Celine Dion to the US. No really, she's yours, feel free......

A couple of things that stand out.

Universal health care. It's by no means perfect but nobody gets turned away from an emergency room if they have no insurance.

I am always hesitant to praise our reputation as a more friendly country because while I think the generality is fairly true, the sad reality is that, especially in our bigger cities, we have the same crimes committed and serious issues as any other similarly sized nation. You will meet many, many friendly people but the illusion that none of us can be rude is a pretty big stretch.

I can proudly say that with the exception of maybe a couple of middle eastern countries, I can proudly wear my Canadian flag on my sleeve or backpack without fear that it might induce bad feelings or even worse. In fact, I like wearing it when I travel because, deservedly or not, people seem to naively think you are automatically safe and approachable when you wear our flag. I have met a few friends this way who just struck up a conversation with "Hey, Your Canadian!"

Some quick hits.
-- Hockey is everywhere
-- Some great beers. (if it's not 5% it's considered light.)
-- Elections that are over in months not years (not that the results are often much better.)
-- Vast expanses of hardly touched nature in every form imaginable.
-- Maple Syrop (OK that's a personal favorite.)
-- Great neighbors to the south.

I'm a realist. I could list a few flaws too but overall, it's got to be one of the best places in the world to grow up and live.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.