sirquack, I run two m80s in a 7.2 system with the 876. I have never had any issue with it driving all speakers to high levels. I set the Onkyo to 6 ohms (it only has 4 and 6 settings). The m80s sound very good.

From what I've read the 906 is identical to the 876 except it has usb and ethernet capabilities (I might be missing one or two things). I owned the 875 for over a year before I sold it to get the 876 (the big attraction for me was the Audessey Dynamic EQ which I covet beyond imagining). I never had any problem with the 875 or the 876 (even a couple of slight problems I thought were due to the 876 turned out to be caused by other components).

I can never believe the prices you guys get in the States!