I have been shopping for new speakers for a few weeks now. I have tested B+W 685's, paradigm studio 10's and studio 60's... So far my favorite for sound quality has been the studio 10's.

I like them because although they can handle a decent amount of bass they really focus on the mid range and are very clear. I also liked the balance over all between the mid range and bass.

On the other hand I am looking for more of a sound stage that will be achieved by tower speakers... I liked the studio 60's but I felt like they were too focused on the low end.

Which brings me to my next problem, all advice has been pointing me toward the M60 or M80... I have not heard them yet but I like the idea that the M80 is balanced across the board with equal amounts of tweeter, mid range and low end speakers!

Am I right in my assumption? Also can my yamaha 863 which only has settings down to 6 ohms power the 4 ohm rated M80's????

Yam 863
Pan 50 Plasma
EMP compacts and sub
Pan BD30