Originally Posted By: dewd
 Originally Posted By: mistico
It's clear that even in passive biamping the speaker has more wattage available. Now I need to actually do it and see/hear if it makes a difference. I'm just not sure if I want to play them that loud. They already get 200W each so I'll do this when I'm bored one day since I have the cables and connectors.

For now I'm happy just listening and not tinkering heehee

Actually, that is incorrect. We've been down this road a million times, so a quick search should provide all the info you need. But the bottom line is no, you do not get more wattage.

Of course, it does not hurt to try. In fact, what fun would it be if we couldn't tinker?

I have searched plenty and my conclusion is that if you have a receiver or an amp with a single power supply there will be no difference. I have 7 INDIVIDUAL amps though, each with their OWN power supply and completely independent circuitry except for the wall outlet.