Originally Posted By: kcarlile
Theoretical peak, yes, but since you're unlikely to be getting close to theoretical peak, then probably not. Then again, more headroom is more headroom...

That's what you gain: headroom. You are making sure your hi-mid and mid-bass each get all off 200 watts they want. With only one amp you have 200 to spread across all speakers, but it is not 400 watts and neither set of speakers has access to 400 watts of power. they each still only have access to 200. Your set up helps when ch 1 (mid-hi, etc) sucks so much of the power tha ch 2 (mid-bass) would otherwise be limited to less than 200 in that instant.

I still don't get this internal/external crossover issue. How does that matter in this discussion? in the set up I describe above, one amp has a direct line to the mid-bass and one separate has a direct line to the tweeter. Why does it matter where the crossover lives?

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire