Originally Posted By: fredk
My post was not meant as a judgement/comment on piracy. I am on the fence on the whole topic since I think that the music industry is ripping off the majority of artists in the first place.

One thing to take note of is that regardless of how "ripped off" an artist gets(in many cases, it's not as miserable as people say), the worst person looking to get you money is better than the best person not looking to get you money.

Too many bands are out there blowing their advance money then crying poverty, and there are too many groups that should have never been signed to begin with.

For real.

I use usenet to audition and stores to buy. I would never pay for copy protected music when I could pay for the CD and not have to deal with it, and I'd never pay for any lossy junk when FLAC can be had off usenet for free.

Last edited by Thasp; 05/13/09 05:59 AM.