Amen to what Ajax said. It's just a commercial.

But the fear of "socialism" is very real for an entire generation of people.

In the US, for just about everyone born between 1950 and 1991, you grew up being taught to hate Russia, hate "communism", to fear "socialism", and to embrace capitalism as "the American Way". For better or for worse, a lot of people still feel that way. And those commercials play to that. I live in a very conservative area, and you'd be surprised how many people are truly afraid of anything "socialist". And they're not happy with you when you point out that the Police, Fire Department, Public Schools, roads, public libraries, & their beloved Social Security check are all, to some degree, "socialist" things. \:\/

I've met (or overheard conversations) of many coworkers, acquaintances, even random strangers in at a restaurant or waiting in line somewhere that'll be telling some story about health insurance, healthcare, and cost. It usually goes

1) they have/had some health problem
2) it cost $$$$$$
3) They had no insurance|insurance paid half|insurance dropped them after paying for the first treatment
4) They|their cousin|their relative now owes $$$$, which is more than their house ($$) is worth.
5) how they had to sell their home|liquidate their 401k|declare bankruptcy to pay for it.

Then the kicker...

6) But damn those communists in the White House and Congress for wanting to socialize health insurance. Because healthcare in those socialist countries - Canada, the UK, France - is AWFUL. And no one wants that.

For our Canadian friends, the comparison between the US vs Canadian healthcare/insurance system is pretty simple....

1) Do you know anyone that died because some Canadian Government regulation prevented them from getting care? Anti US-healthcare reform advocates (i.e., the Health Insurance Industry - that commercial) would have us Americans believe that it's a common thing. I highly doubt it is.

2) Do you know anyone that lost everything (even their lives) because of healthcare costs? I know several. \:\(

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SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office