Hey these were their theories, not mine. I never saw an advantage in keeping them on the phone at all. In fact during my brief stint the longer I kept someone on the phone the more irate they got and the LESS likely it seemed they would buy. Some of them I figured would cancel the subscription they currently had just to get back at us.

It definately wasn't a job you could do very long if you have an ounce of humanity in you. All the people I made upset for such a lousy paycheck, jeeesh, there was no way I was going to continue doing such a crappy job. The newpaper add said, "work in a fun atmosphere making tons of money talking on the phone". Sounded good at the time. Anytime we weren't actually talking to someone on the phone we were supposed to hoot and holler like we were at a party. That was the 'fun atmosphere' we were supposedly working in. But trust me, it wasn't fun. After getting off the phone with someone you'd just royally pissed off it didn't come natural to hoot and holler let me tell you.

What a sick concept.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD