Well as the title says, I'm mad. Well let me start. First I got my speakers today, man they are nice but there are a few things.

I bought the Epic Grand Master 500 and I have a ONKYO 806

1) It sounds like crap, it sounds like the band is in a pool with just base. Oh and my 500 has no base, just rumble.

2) I'm getting no audio from my HDMI, so I had to dust off my old Optical cable just to hear crap, get video from the HDMI just no audio.

3) Not a question but a statement I did not care for the stands for the M22's I would take them back but I'm to cheap to pay to send it back.

I don,t know what to do I have been trying for over 3 hrs now and it still sound like a pool with only base. Oh and I have been trying to call axiom for help for the 1 hr now also and no one is there to take my call.

Last edited by rage96; 08/05/09 02:45 AM.