I think that Glenn Beck has a good talk show entertainer, but like you, I don't take ANYTHING that literally. I like to find out myself. With that said, if there wasn't something wrong with the statement on that web site, why did they feel the need to change it? Because it was "outdated?" Sure, but it just goes to show how much government can screw things up with something simple like a disclaimer. If Mr. Beck hadn't brought this up so publicly, it would probably still be that strange spewing mess of "Big Brotherism" that he quoted.

I know that if I was an owner of a dealership (which is privately owned by my like most if not all are), I wouldn't want something to say that "by clicking here, the government can do what they want with the data and hardware you connect with and transmit."

So you can hate Glenn Beck for taking something to the n'th degree, but by him doing so, positive action has occurred in this case.

Farewell - June 4, 2020