My goodness, I can't imagine anyone using a mouse/keyboard THAT much more than I do. After all I spend all day everyday editing pictures (uh... when I'm not on here that is...) and all that stuff. Were you using a Logitech combo? Just curious, because I truely am amazed at how long these batteries have been working in the keyboard without needing replaced. The mouse does get a lot more use than the keyboard though, that explains why it's needed 3 or 4 charges already. But I'm still mighty impressed with both I must say.

I have the Logitech Cordless Desktop Wave Pro combo, both the keyboard and mouse have very cool features on them. I think I paid $125 for the kit at OfficeMax late last winter, I just found it on Amazon for $75 bucks though! Pretty good price for what you get in my opinion. The mouse alone was $75 bucks... back then anyway.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD