Let me say that many will exlaim, "you can reach very loud levels with you AVR"... and while this is absolutely true, I'll throw in my two cents and say that while my Denon did reach LOUD levels of volume, it sounded strained above 0 on the dial. The Emotiva amp I have running my M80's play loud 'better' IMO. For starters they play louder now at -10 then the Denon ever played them at full blast (+12). And when the dial reached +5 and above with the Denon in charge, I always got the distinct impression something was about to break. Nothing ever did mind you, but it just sounded like I was pushing it beyond it's limits.

Keep in mind I have 11,000 cubic feet to fill, so you may never even be able to reach -10 on the dial in your room for all we know. So by all means if you want to try out the M80's I would give the Onkyo the bennefit of the doubt until it proves to be otherwise unable to accomplish your goals for it. Then you could look into outboard amps to run things.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD