Originally Posted By: Micah
Wow... very, very, very nice!!! Extremely clean look, you've done a great job in there. Is that a false wall? Can you access everything from the back? Where are your electronics located? Can't wait to see it once the carpet is in.

[Austin Powers voice] I like your pussy.......... CAT! [/Austin Powers voice]


Yes the wall is false, it is built about 12" in front of the concrete basement wall which was roughly drywalled by the builders. There is actually a window back there as well, I just stuffed the whole window well full of insulation to keep light off the back of the screen There is enough room to reach in there if I need to, I had to hook one of the W22's up from behind as I didn't leave quite enough wire... lol. The electronics will be in the back left corner of the room in a little 22" squared cubby hole... That can't really be set up until the carpet is in, it's killing me waiting.

 Originally Posted By: EFalardeau
Wow! Judging by the presence of the cat, I guess your subwoofer was not in operation at the time. ;\)

This room is going to be the death of him, I know it.

 Originally Posted By: sirquack
Potato, I assume you have already enjoyed the theater and speakers with no flooring. You won't believe the difference once you get it carpeted, it will blow you away.

As above, not yet. I am planning on firing the projector for the first time tonight. Of course the carpet I wanted (black) is not in stock anywhere so it had to be ordered.

Thanks everyone for the comments... I was hoping to help the OP and don't want to derail the thread, I'll get a new thread and some more pics when it is totally complete.