Originally Posted By: jakewash
Darc, if you are in an apartment bass from any floorstander speaker or subwoofer will get you complaints. The M80s play down to ~34hz and that kind of low end will go right through any wall, just the same as if you had a subwoofer. Once a sub is properly calibrated with the mains it won't be playing any louder than they are and will not add extra bass(loudness) for neighbors to complain about, at least no more so than a set of floor standers like M80s would.

Ya I just kinda think a floor stander is a better all in one solution. I didnt want a real rumbler of a sub, but I guess your right probably not much different than a floor stander. My JBLs actually go quite deep too. Just from all the review talk, the M80 is a slighty fuller sound than say the M22 and sub. Maybe I would be ok with the M60 then even. There really isnt that much difference price wise if one was to get the M22s, stands, and sub VS just getting either the M60 or the M80. Well anyways I know what your getting at, either way Im not going to be on my neighbors Christmas card list. Im just really tempted by the M80 but the M60 is probably great too.
You have the M80 and dont you like it more the M60? I know Id probably be happy with the M60 but maybe happier with the M80
My JBLs go down to a rated 30hz and according to the stereophile review were measured at 32hz, so I didnt want to miss anything either.