oops..this thread got past my radar.

Yep...I have indeed recently listened to the CDM7's and the new 700 series towers. I was not able to hear them side-by-side with the Axioms, but they certainly didn't stand out as much different. They look a bit nicer, but $2200 nicer?

I'm not alone. Curtis was with me when we heard the CDM7's. We were tagging along while a friend of Curtis's was shopping for new speakers. He liked the CDM7's, but even at a discounted price of $1500, he couldn't say they were worth it. He's was leaning towards either the Axiom M60's or the Ascend 340's. Both sound great, and cost a TON less. Much like any other product, the majority of what you're paying for is the name. B&W puts a lot of time and effort into marketing their name. They're VERY well known. You've got to pay for that recognition. Their new 700 series speakers are very nice sounding, and have a nice finish, but I'd rather have a pair of equally good sounding Axioms, and over a grand left over in my pocket.

Curtis...are we going to do that Ascend 340/Axiom M60 demo for him?