
Crown Molding is good. Another is plastic conduit available at OSH or other hardware outlets.
I use this in the bedroom - comes in white and tan and can be painted to match wall. It has a flat
side about 3/8th wide and the balance is rounded. Flat side is adhesive and stuck above the molding at the
foot of the wall it is near invisible. I also use that to go up the wall (corners) for the rear surrounds.

I'm in a two story house but have a crawl space below the ground floor and I run all my wiring, audio,
computer network, multiple TV cable and phone lines to all first floor areas via the crawl space. Careful
measuring (if you can get under) will allow you to bring the wiring up at any desired spot. Changes to
location simply means dropping the wire down and drilling a new hole to bring it up again at the new spot.
The old spot, (small hole) is easily hidden or filled in etc. Good luck.