Yeah Ford, that's how I feel too.

I HATE admitting this, but I've spent more for wire, both interconnect and speaker, than I wanted or needed too, and I have a severe guilt complex about it. I haven't gone overboard, spending $50 to $100 per cable or anything like that. I think the most expensive cable I've purchased has been around $30, and the rest have been well below that (mostly Dayton from Parts Express, and Velocity from CablesAmerica). My justification for spending what I have, is that they (1) look better, and (2) seem more substantially constructed; less flimsy. So, I consider the extra money has paid for peace of mind, and personal satisfaction.

I too, like the look of the Axiom wire, but I've paid half that for some Canare, instead. But, if the budget allowed, that Axiom sure looks good..........HMMM.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton