I still have my HD-A35 Toshiba player, it still plays great and i've got a stack of movies that i still watch. even when the player dies, i'll keep it as a reminder of the great format war. i also never saw any real logical reason to sell it. folks were carrying on like the players were gonna stop working once blu-ray won, of course that wasn't true. another truth, is i almost never had a problem with movies working, i'd probably tell you it was about 90%+ with that. i have had 4 blu-ray players including the two i have now, Oppo 83 & 80 and all together it's been about 80% and the biggest problem i have had has been with bd-live. i haven't really used bd-live for anything, but it keeps giving my hell. even with the oppo's with i believe are the best blu machines for the money, bd-live still gives them hell. bottom line for me 1080p is 1080p and lossless is lossless, didn't make a difference what format it's on as long as i have those two components. yes i'm aware that hd-dvd was a little slow in getting "heavy" with the lossless but DD+ wasn't too bad, but, nothing is better than lossless!

Marantz AV7702MKII pre-amp
Emotiva XPA-5,UPA-2amps,
14 Speakers, All Axiom
Oppo 105D&93