when you take drivers out of a cabinet, a couple tips are turn it on its back, so when the screws are undone the driver wont fall out onto the floor when you forget to hold it.

If the drivers are set flush like the axiom ones a good tip is.. if your handy and have a steady hand. get a SMALL screwdriver or a screw or something and try and pry it up through the screw hole. NOT on the edge. In your case id suggest you flip the speaker on its front side (while holding it or just an inch or so above your bed and try to knock it loose. make sure your no more than an inch or two above a soft surface for the driver to fall on or else you will probbly ruin the driver and yank the wires.

Once your inside you will probbly need to get some pliers to pull off the quick clips, be sure not to damage them. most times theres two sizes, and its pretty fool proof to get the polarity right when your only going one driver at a time.

Because your woofer is still OK. just dented save it for later incase you might need it again. so be carefull not to damage it when you take it out.