Originally Posted By: fredk

Having flown first class I can assure you it is a waste of money unless you travel VERY far and a LOT.

Well, I don't fly a LOT, but I usually only ever fly VERY far!

But I wish I could fly first class always. grin

In fact, I wish that I could afford to own and maintain my very own private jet!

But you are deluded if you think that a quality hierarchy does not exist.

I drive a Honda. I want a Porsche 911, but I don't begrudge a person that can afford to own (and maintain) a Lambo! I wish I could... smile

So some people think a car is just a car. To them it's silly to want anything but a basic automobile for transportation. Others live for the performance and aesthetics of high end automobiles. To each his own I say.

Here in the south, some "fellers" will spend $150,000 on a freakin' bass boat! I think that's insane... but I could care less about fishing. If I had that much $ to blow on a toy I would most certainly spend it on something that I love... like audio (pro/hi fi) or a car.

But I can appreciate the passion over finely crafted _______(whatever). If those boats are what the discerning fishermen digs, then hey, that's cool!

Some people are content with the average, common and ordinary.

Other people are connoisseurs of things. I've always aspired to those kind of hedonistic pursuits myself.

Coffee, wine, cigars, women, art, fashion, etc., are just a few of the things people become connoisseurs of. Life's to short to settle for "good enough" imho, but, ymmv...

Like all that yummy talk about homemade Thai curry. Some people think a frozen burrito is just as good. I mean, it's all just food, right? grin

I believe great audio is in the ear of the beholder. If you are content with your system then great! Just don't poo poo others who spend a lot to achieve what they are looking for.

It really is hard to convince people who have never even heard any high end gear.

But of course they always have an opinion on it... smile

Originally Posted By: fredk
Provide me with empirical evidence that there is a discernible difference between high quality electronics and you will convert me.

I'll leave the "converting" to the missionaries. wink

But I would like to know... have you ever actually heard a really high end hi fi system?

I have. You cannot get that kind of bang for only a little buck. It takes good gear. Good gear generally cost money.

I'm just an aspiring audiophile. I have good ears and I appreciate good sound, but in the scheme of things I'm probably just in the upper mid-fi end of the spectrum. I would love to explore the higher end of audio though.

Instead of this:

I would much rather have something like this:

Seriously, why should us audio snobs have to educate you coarse featured peasants anyway? grin

Originally Posted By: fredk
Give me anecdotal evidence and I say its just a piddling contest.

Well, I call your piddle and raise you a dribble my good sir! smirk

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa