There has been a Pat in every generation of my family as far back as anyone has traced. Except this one. We have chosen not to have kids, my middle brother got the big snip after three (none named Pat) and that just leaves the youngest to fulfill the obligation. My father is already pressuring him as he gets married this summer.

Just in case though, we named one of our cats with Patrick as his middle name. Stewie has "Stewart Patrick Murphy" on all his vet records.

On the topic of names. I just heard what a couple we know, Cox family, called their newborn boy, Isaac. They had struggled for some time to find just the right name that wouldn't, shall we say, clash with their last name. They thought they had nailed it with Isaac because it doesn't sound like any other word on it's own.

If you agree, say "Isaac Cox" three times as fast as you can. Preferably, out loud amongst a crowd of co-workers. I started laughing hysterically when they told me. I didn't have the heart to tell them why I was laughing. I had to make up a story about a former friend Isaac who was such a wild and crazy guy.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.