Well, what I am going to say may not sound good but I will say it. Axiom has let me down. For some time one of my speakers cabinet has had some problem with the finish. After getting in touch with Axiom has been asked to send some pictures. Today just got an e-mail stating that some liquid might have been spilled on the speakers and for that reason a fix on the speaker is out of question. That´s a pretty harsh IMO to just state that this is something that I have done. Have been asked to pay for the new cabinet, what is not an option, not because of money but because of principles; since I have NOT damaged my speaker, don´t really think I should pay for it. Thanks for all the help you guys have given me all the time and for all the good time I spent here but that just means and end for me.

Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.