My lawn is always a veritable graveyard of creatures from the sea. Clam shells, crab shells, lobster shells, small flounders and other fish, whole or remains. One morning we even found a dead eel. The fish and the eels were likely the local Osprey's catch. It's amazing what they come up with after a spectacular dive bomb into the water.

As an animal lover, I will admit that eels repulse me. I don't mind snakes but these eels are like slimy, dark, oily snakes with an ominous looking fin like tail. I spent a childhood swimming at a beach where when you got out so deep there was nothing but eel grass and if you stepped on an eel, they tended to instinctively wrap around your leg and sometimes, although rarely, take a bite before fleeing off in panic.

The old timers around here eat them. I've tried to eat them as a form of revenge but the meat remains very oily and very fishy in a non-pleasant way. I can't stand them.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.