Originally Posted By: BobKay
Originally Posted By: Powertothepeople
Originally Posted By: BobKay
I think the word, "World Music," is, in itself, funny and telling.

It's so arrogant and dismissive. There's "our" music, and then there's the rest of the world, in one amporphous lump.

We really mean "3rd world music"

The term "3rd world" really bothers me. If anything, what's commonly referred to as the 3rd world, should be called the 1st. It is, after all, where humans descended from.

On the out-of-Africa theory of human evolution and worldwide habitat; no Africa = no R & R, no jazz and no dashikis, among tons of other things. Boliva is 3rd world. Maybe your ancestors fell of a Vicuna, but I'm pretty sure mine didn't.

I've seen Vicunas and met your lovely parents. Shame on you.

laugh Bolivia being 3rd world = laugh laugh laugh

You leave Evo outta this, mister! smile

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.