Thanks for bringing out this awareness. I very much respect your business. I must point out that high quality dog food is NOT SNAKE OIL.

One thing pet owners should be aware of is they think that vets recommend high quality food but it IS NOT high quality. It is based on recommendations from their reps which they get perks off of. Science diet and Iams ring a bell? To put it in terms of speakers it is like Bose BUT WORSE. Bottom of the barrel crap that should not enter into the mouths of any animal. Vets actually do not have much knowledge about animal nutrition

I haven't been able to have another pet since my late dog Max passed away at the age of 13. Nothing can live up to his standards. Hopefully in time I will be able to get over it.

Dog foods like Orijen and Go! Natural just to name a few that I have experience are night and day differences in quality to dog foods like Iams, Science Diet and all those usual suspects. They are high protein with very high quality ingredients which I find work very well for active dogs. However all dogs are different, some might need a different type of diet because of certain health conditions for that pet. You have a great selection of dog foods at your store.

I wish you success with your business and I agree totally with your vision.


I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne