Originally Posted By: 2x6spds
Interesting PMB.

CNC? fold and glue? The VP 160 prototype definitely looks clunky and primitive. I hope the finished product looks better. The prototype presents as a bit amateurish in appearance. Aesthetics count,though perhaps in this case they are dictated by audio engineering requirements, though it sure doesn't look like it.

Friends, we all really like the folks at Axiom and their products. I think they're entitled to an honest review of the appearance of this center speaker effort. The market will be ruthless unless the sound quality and tech specs are so stand-out as to make up for its looks.

2x6, you are certainly entitled to your opinion and to express that opinion. That's all, we who don't quite see it the same as you, have done.

I consider aesthetics to be important, just not as important as performance and this speaker's performance, at this point, is an unknown. I do not find the prototype to be "beautiful," but neither do I find it's appearance to be a deal breaker. On the other hand, regardless of performance, which I'm sure is stellar, I would not have the Nautilus in my house. I just don't care for it.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton