I was looking at those exact 3 myself, but the general consensus from some of the AVS elitists, is that the 3D just isn't their in these models. It isn't terrible by any means, but the brightness (which impacts ghosting, etc) is an issue, especially once they (or any projector) hits a couple hundred hours on the lamp.

I didn't care about 3D, so I went with a JVC for a leaps-and-bounds ahead 2D image, but potentially worse 3D image than the ones above. It just is a matter of what you watch most. And with something like less than 5% of the worlds movies in 3D, and a chunk of those are bad movies, it wasn't important to me.

The lens memory is VERY nice too, so if you want to be able to store zoom, shift, and focus settings for different screen ratios, look at one with that.

Farewell - June 4, 2020