Get this, I just learned something new too. Like minutes ago. It is related to AT screens. I was just told by someone (still asking for documented research to verify it) that if using an AT screen that you should remove the speaker grills. Something about it being a measurable difference in sound. Not sure I fully am convinced, but I might as well remove them since you can't see them anyway.

Now, for the Audyssey guide, ask and you shall receive:
Here is a link to the exact post. Go down to Step 11 and look at the pictures. Notice that some of the pictures have mic locations 3 and 4 marked in purple and duplicate locations 1 and 2. Some Audyssey setups only allow for 6 microphone locations, so those people would skip #3 and #4. I can do 8 locations, so I will do #3 and #4 which duplicate #1 and #2.
Audyssey Microphone Placements

Here is the whole guide:
Audyssey MultEQ FAQ and Setup Guide

Farewell - June 4, 2020