Originally Posted By: brwsaw
He just quit going to karate last night.That said he's not punching/following through when he throws. We'll be working on that soon.
His younger brother picked up on it the first time (little bugger, I have to be careful when we're rough housing).
I haven't encouraged my oldest to be physical beyond standing up for himself when the time is right. He's got a nasty habit of letting things pile up inside and one day blammo...I fear for the kid that corners him.
He's only in grade 3 but he's had his dads handsomeness since birth. Girls are the least of his concerns..

I was just messin with ya. Kids don't need to be fightin over that sort of thing especially in grade 3. Sounds like the other kids are jealous. If he has talent he should stic with it. I wish I could play an instrument, thank god for stereo's.
When my kid went into grade 8 , there was one boy that just had to bug him, pushing him into lockers and such and I advised he just ignore but the kid didn't let up so I said next time just smack him. Well he gave the kid a bleeding nose and never had trouble after that.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry