I looked hard at the AV8801 but here in canuckville cheapest I could find was 3600.00 which is above my pay scale. I just got a 40% upgrade card for 200 bux so that will save me 800.00 if and when I buy one. As for Atmos , I personally am not interested in it so I am ok with that. I really hope the XMC-1 is was good as they say because I just want a basic processor without too much window dressing ,plus I like the idea of the PEQ. The UMC 200 is already works with REW and hopefully the same will happen with the XMC-1. Its not made in Canada but it is made in North America. Also it has those pretty blue lights to go with my amps.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry