Bottom line: I was never one for minimonitors+ sub as my main system. I felt that the monitors didn't "make enough noise" or communicate the power (especially percussion) like a well done floorstander.

It makes sense to me to have main speakers that can handle a full range of music all by themselves. I like to use a sub to augment the 1st octave only, not the "HT" style up to 80hz (except in HT)

I have had VMPS and KEF speakers that didn't REALLY need a sub for most music. I liked the fact that they could "bring it all together" from at least the 30hz range up. I was never satisfied by frequency limited speakers that lacked heft and dynamic range. My ATC SCM-12 had detail and transparency all day. The problem is, they didn't do "loud" and a 100 watt amp would only tickle them.

I feel the M-100's are going to be able to communicate the scale of an orchestra completely, with more ease and power than the m80. They are as big a speaker as I'd want to go. I am looking forward to a set of speakers that aren't dynamically constipated or overly polite.

I intend to employ them with a 300wpc Class D audio amp.

Great Speakers start with great engineers.