Originally Posted By: Socketman
It will be a few days until I have it set up and mess with all the settings. I am going to use this as an opportunity to try and straighten out the mess of wires I have. Since Dirac is not installed yet I will have to take the time to enter in speaker distances and get used to working with the peq and REQ.
I will share my sons impressions more so than mine since he has better hearing. I happy to say he likes all the same music I like so it will be fun. My hearing just isn't what it used to be but im hopeful I will be able to notice an improvement.

I will admit ,this is a bit of retail therapy. The effects are short lasting. AH well it got me to go to work today LOL

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry