Originally Posted By: Adrian
My vote is for Granite. You just can't match the look of it with the manufactured stuff although they're getting better(at more $$).

On a more important note, I also got a couple of Guiness glasses for Christmas!! trouble is, since I got them, I've tried Cobblestone Stout from Mill St Brewery which puts Guiness to shame. Some Mill St glasses would make a nice Christmas present next year...just sayin'.

Mark? anyone?

Guiness, for whatever reason, just ain't the same anywhere other than actually in the UK. Not any difference if you drink it in London or Dublin, but once it heads across the pond, something happens to it and it just isn't the same. In the UK, it's wonderful. But, when you're in the UK, there's so many great friggin bears to try, Guiness takes a back seat.