I was thinking about putting the speaker on the sides of the couch but at the right wall and left wall 90 degrees. The opening hallway between kitchen and living room is 4 feet wide and only obstacle is speaker wire line form couch to short wall (kitchen side) which I don't mind as long as I step over it. LOL If thats the case the speaker at 90 degrees on stands will be 76 inches apart from both sides of MLP and 42 inches from floor. Just trying to figure out if its worth having it on stands at 90 degrees is an improvement over rear wall mounting at 120 degrees and mounting 2 to 3 feet higher. If I do stand mounting sides then I could do rears and do 7.1 but how much space do I need behind my ears to the wall. Right now the wall to my ears is 24 inches (2 feet). I can move the couch about another foot or two max and be ok with the wife if that improves anything. Will post more pics later of other side of room.

Axiom M60s, VP150, QS8s, EP500 -- Rotel 1075 & 1068 -- Panasonic BDT500 -- Panasonic 60S60