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The adjustments that you describe would appear to be appropriate to maximize dialog intelligibility and if it's still not good enough, then it isn't the problem. Is the overall level of the center channel high enough?

Thanks for the information John. The overall level of the center channel is fine - I normally have it 3-4 dB over reference which seems comfortable to me. But your post got me to thinking. Generally speaking, I think the dialog is fine when playing DVD's, but lacking when I watch movies using my Dish DVR satellite receiver. I know that Dish uses compression algorithms to cram as much information into their transmission as possible, then my satellite receiver's software uncompresses these transmissions. I also know that the compression is somewhat lossy, which makes me wonder if I might be losing small bits of the dialog sound track. Or maybe the software realizes that the decompression is losing small amounts of dialog, so it inserts whatever it thinks should be there. If this is the case, these small changes in the sound track may be what is causing my problem. What do you think?

- Bill