Andrew, thanks for trying to help. I really wish it was that easy. Just stop and think about this: how can I verify that the tens of thousands of $ of gear I have in my basement works together as an optimized system? Think about all the physical and digital knobs and switches that exist within my system. How do I adjust them to optimize? How do I know that I don't need more knobs and switches with perhaps higher resolution? I don't expect an answer to this but I think it's worth thinking about on your end because it presents an opportunity.

I've read countless of times on this board comments like "I love my Axiom subs. They are totally silent until there's something for them to do." I've also read that Axiom subs don't put out like SVS or Hsu. I say that is a perfect indication those individuals have not optimized their systems for the exact reasons I stated above. Come to my place and listen to my subs growl with every note and flap your pants with every explosion. Having said that, I have no idea if I've optimized the growling and pant-flapping. And then it doesn't help the cause when I add in active LFRs and it all goes to hell precisely because I don't have the knowledge or technology to optimize my environment.

It's still a mystery to me why a 15 degree toe-in affected infrasonics from none to full. I'm actually not even sure about full. Maybe I can get more infrasonics out of my system with a 2 degree phase adjustment but how can I possibly know? I can spend the rest of my life tweaking and I frankly don't want to. I just want to enjoy I do with my measly M2OW system.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated