Originally Posted By 2x6spds

What kind of amps are you going to use for all 15 outputs of the 8805? which speaker layout?

Well the media room is a bit over the top in that respect

2 ADA1500-5 for ALFRs
1 ADA1250-6 for center, side & rear surrounds, and clark synthesis transducer (off of sub2)
1 ADA1000-8 for heights & tops

The bed layout is the typical 7 channel assuming I need the center.
The overhead layout is front and rear heights (M3 on FMCB), mid tops & VOG (M3ow on FMB).

I've also wired for fwd tops plus a few more locations just incase. Right now the media room is on hold till I get settled in my new place. Had to stop the work since the builder did not install the resilient channel properly (not to mention shorting the first layer of the wall and ceiling to the studs in at least 1/2 a dozen places).

In the mean time I will play with the bed speakers in the family room once they arrive (told Axiom no rush)