Just received my AxiomAir and I must say, first impressions are not good as the thing is not responding at all to attempts to get it on my network.

I’ve tried setting up as “new airplay speaker” from my ipad, iphone, and mac. No love. The process starts but it just times out with “unexpected error”.

I’ve tried connecting to the hotspot wifi on a windows pc. It says it connects and I get an IP on the 192.168.211 network but when I attempt to go to, it fails.

Once I saw the name of the WiFi hotspot (doesn’t show on Apple devices), I tried connecting to it. No love. Just times out.

At this point I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried rebooting it and my devices to no avail. It seems the hotspot is not responsive. Not sure how to proceed here.

Semper ubi sub ubi.