Specs are kind of a starting point ... they never quite tell the whole story and are often misleading. Even so they are important ... so ... that said ...

I'm never sure about the specs and graphs here ... I think Axiom often changes stuff and then drags their feet on updating the specs on it. I understand it from a engineers point of view ... I did the fun/important stuff ... I'll take care of the getting/updating the graph and number stuff later ... never quite getting to it ...

From a marketing/sales perspective the specs and graphs are what people obsess over ... I mean to the point of insanity ... on paper a db of SPL or S/N can be the difference between buying your product or a competitors ... even though in most cases a db will not make an ounce of difference in performance.

But still, it's important that they be right even just to know which speakers in the Axiom line up you might be interested in.

One one hand, It's kind of what I like about this outfit ... more engineering minded then marketing minded. On the other it's sometimes a bit frustrating to be trip'ed up by an out of date or misleading spec.