Originally Posted by rrlev
Originally Posted by TrevorM
Trevor recommend both the book and AudioTools to me a while back. I can 2nd both.
Of the books I've looked at this was the most concise and most practical one by far. Wish I had it when I was first planning my HT.

AudioTools also seems to be a really good app. I have not used all the tools yet but so far I'm happy. AudioTools come with a minimum set of plug-ins. All the others, some of which you'll want, are ala carte.

Instead, I bought AudioToolsMax which is AudioTools with everything enabled (including anything which comes out in the future). It was a bit pricey even on sale (think the sale was something like 30% off at the time). I justified it because it had tools not only for room measurements but a few others I knew I'd need sometime in the future (like testing THD and noise).

One Note: Audio out on the newer iPads requires some sort of interface now that they no longer have a phone jack out. I have an older iPad I'm keeping around which is good enough for room tuning.

I also got Audiotools though not with all the added plug-ins.
I really don't like using the tablet/phone for taking sound measurements but short of setting up something more elaborate, it's what i used.
Still trying to wrap my head around how much Audyssey changes the room curves. Things are subtle and in some cases seemingly not at all when looking at before and after curves.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."