Thanks 2x6 for sharing this.

In the spirit of your thread here’s one I found ( it’s just a Spotify 320k version ) but…’s really cool.

Here’s a great track I found by accident.

Metropole Orkest…Jazz Infusion Orchestral. ( I just made that up for a genre…!). Check it out.

I have no idea who or what the group is really. It’s a live recording I believe. It’s superb. The BLAAAT of the horns is insane! The kick drum is surreal. And it’s super dynamic. Wow. There’s a ton of music and playlist with this orchestra. Enjoy.

Also posted to the “ What are you listening to tonight “ thread.

Last edited by Kodiak; 09/22/21 07:41 PM.

M60ti Hafler9505 & JFET Pre,Axiom Transformer. M3 Marantz PM7200 Dual 606 Denon 2700 M2 Yammy RX595