I freakin' advised you dude to not buy anything wireless. It don't matter if you've connected it up via ethernet. The shit don't work and I knew you'd have problems. I also advised you to get the less expensive M1 computer speakers with a sub. The M2 will also work but they're more expensive. And a sub. However, it's pretty darned clear to me that you are an explorer, and that's OK. You will have to discover for yourself I suppose. The M1 and M2 will give you clarity, soundstage and imaging. The M3 is less clear, imaging is more fuzzy and the sound is thicker which some prefer. The M3, depending on how you place it, may boom due to the upper bass bump in the amplitude response curve. Trust me. I own almost everything Axiom.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated