It's been years since I've stepped into a high end audio store, so I haven't listened to $$$ hardware lately.

Here in Edmonton, there's Audio Ark (the nicest audio store in Western Canada for the last 3 decades), Audio 5.1, National Music, and the Gramophone. Calgary has K&W Audio, the others I used to go have all gone belly up.

I care about marginal utility and ROI, so I was never a part of the total addressable market for high end audio. I was too poor to get ripped off by snake oil. I would have been happy with a pair of Waveform Mach 17's though, but you can exceed its measured performance with today's 3 way Axiom tower speaker and a DSP sub.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"