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That's cool, I knew about Rock Against Bush Vol. 1 (and I hear Vol. 2 is in the works) but I didn't know the Soviettes were on it.

RAB Vol. 1 sold 30,000 copies from Fat Wreck's mail order alone. Vol. 2 is in the works but it's more a mix of obscure (to most people) punk and mainstream bandwagon jumpers (No Doubt, Foo Fighters, Green Day), I'm not sure I believe in Volume 2 the same way as I did in volume one - after hearing Fat Mike offered a spot to mallcore "punk (tm)" boy-band Good Charlotte, but refused Propagandhi's selection for volume one on the basis that it took a pot-shot against George Soros.

The Soviettes track is an unreleased one named !Paranoia! Cha-Cha-Cha and it's one of the better songs on the CD - though I'm still convinced the vocal lead is the chick from the Dance Hall Crashers.

Bren R.