Axiom has their trial period for a reason. One common problem I've found with people who audition speakers is, that they base their deciiosn to heavily on those experiences. A speaker isn't meant to work well in a extremely controlled environment, or in a noisey huge store. The only TRUE test is to bring it into YOUR setup, YOUR room, YOUR ears...

The comments about regarding furnishings, spaces, reflective surfaces, all ring true.

My center channel is about 6 feet off the ground, mounted away from the wall on a Axiom Full Metal Bracket. This way it can't vibrate against the wall and is free to do as it pleases. Also this wall is only closed on the one corner, the rest opens to the other half of them room. There's also a nice ledge (covers up a cold air return duct) so it seems to work amazing for me.

Point is: Test it out for yourself, that's the only way you'll know for sure, and if you're married you can run it through the WAF (Wife Approval Factor) meter and see what results you get

As for the hockety refernces.... Glow in the dark bowling kicks hockey's ass...

- D

"Big John is my Idol...or is it that other way around? Let's ask Ray!"