Ok this is hte third time I've tried replying... They don't seem to be showing up for me, I hope this isn't just a bug on my side.

I checked with dad and I can mount them on the ceiling, they just have to be screwed into the rafters with a board. So bearing that in mind, where should I put them? There's a rafter on either side of the couch (you can see the left one in the picture, go straight up from the arm of the couch, then to the left abit). Should I use those rafters? or go out further one more?.

Also should I put the right speaker all thee way in the corner? In case someone sits on my bed? This will be farther over then my right front main (as I don't wan to put that right in the corner, because it'll be blocked by my bed...

Or is it better to mount it on the wall and put the other one on the 36" stand on the left? I got the impression that putting those speakers that close to ear level may be realy loud?

What do you guys think?

- D


"Big John is my Idol...or is it that other way around? Let's ask Ray!"