ringmir: I agree with you 100%. But Johnk comment on "A separate CD player has no advantage in sound quality" is a misleading statement. Yes it is true he is saying there is no compromise from the fact that you have two lasers in a system. But what does have to do with "sound quality". Sound quality is the sum of the whole as you mentioned. A stand alone CD player with great parts..cd transport, DACs, dampening would/could improve "sound quality" most of the time but not always.
I am also answering thekid's question "If there is no sound quality in using a seperate CD player, is there a difference in using different cd players for better sound quality? " The comment above left him confused thinking a DVD/CD has no difference in "sound quality" than a stand alone "well-built" stand alone CD player.

Peter: You bring the alcohol and I'll supply the spring rolls and peanut chicken and rice...I mean the fiancee will supply that. Craigsub can bring some BBQ material.